Saturday, 14 July 2012

It's In The Blood

Today's Gospel Truth ~ "Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you."  Luke 22:20

As believers in Christ we have all been acquainted with the great sacrifice of our elder brother Jesus.  It is our brother Jesus who took on the responsibility to see to it that the assignment on his life was carried out to completion.  Jesus knew that his life here on earth would end physically to begin spiritually by way of the most in comprehensible and unusual suffering.  However, in spite of the challenges he faced he carried out his assignment.  Jesus, understanding the great responsibility resting upon his shoulders he spent the greatest amount of his time communing with his Father, receiving wisdom and guidance that he applied daily to help those around him.  Considering all he had to offer his greatest gift was the blood he carried that ran through his veins. 

When the time arrived for Jesus to have his last meal with his friends he alerted them that his hour had arrived for tribulation, a time of suffering that will result in him giving away every drop of blood for the souls of men everywhere present and to come.  "This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you." Even though Jesus had not yet shed his blood he spoke as if he had already given it away, it shows that he had sheer determination to fulfill his assignment regardless of the hindrances, torture, or pain he would have to face.  

What Jesus did that day at Calvary for you and I is impossible for any other man to do today, and many times it is even unbearable to really think about.  Yet Jesus shed his blood so that we may be free, healed, happy, receive the gift of salvation, grace, mercy, and redemption just to name a few.  Jesus' blood was created to carry our pain, diseases, hardships as the power in his blood washes all wrongs away and fills empty voids with the grace of our Loving Savior.  What ever you need today, tomorrow, or in the years to come is all in the Blood of Jesus.  Receive the Power that’s in His Blood for You Today!  **AMEN**

July 2, 2012  5:49pm 
It's In The Blood ©
Atmospheric Changers Ministry NPB
Scripture Text - King James Version

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