Friday, 6 January 2012

Standing Strong In 2012 In Full Armour

Today's Gospel Truth ~  "Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.   Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.   For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.  Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand."   Ephesians 6:10-13

Last year we have experienced three hundred and sixty five days, some filled with laughter and glee, while others were filled with trials and tradegy, nevertheless, praise God we made it through.  As we prepare to get into the structure of a brand new year of making plans in some way or the other to make this a better year than the last one, we must start our year off wisely.  After all there is no better time than the first of the year to sharpen our skills by pressing out all hindered mindsets through prayer and getting firmly dressed in The Full Armour of God.  The Full Armour of God is also known as a Weapon of Mass Destruction against the enemy thus, it is highly essential for every Believer to wear. 

As we remember last year which was not only filled with global, economical, social, political, and natural challenges but there were also many personal challenges that we faced and  struggled to get through.  In many cases situations caught us off guard and left us struggling longer than we have literally anticipated.  Nevertheless, God has been forever faithful gracing us with his mercy to press through.  We are at a time now more than ever before in our in the Kingdom that as Believers we must be cautious of our Spiritual Dress Code and become diligent in dressing accordingly. 

Wearing The Full Armour of God requires us to put on seven items of Spiritual Attire that we can add / declare over ourselves as we dress in the morning to go out for the day.

The Belt of Truth - Requires us to learn the Truth of the Word of God and apply it to our lives.  As we bind ourselves to this Truth it holds us together and fasten all the other pieces of our Armour in place. 2 Corinthians 6:4,7

The Breast plate of Righteousness - This item covers and protects our hearts, where God's Word and Law is written by the Holy Spirit. 2 Corinthians 3:2,3 and Jeremiah 31:33 As we keep our hearts pure satan won't be able to gain a foothold in our lives.

Keep the Feet Shod with the Preparation of the Gospel of Peace - This allows us to carry the Truth of the Good News of the Word of God anywhere we go. Isaiah 52:7  Being able to share the Word of God helps us to set captives free with his Good News.

The Shield of Faith - This item of our Armour protects the whole body.  It is used to extinguish doubts, fears, and lies satan throws our way.  We must remain mindful that when we use God's Armour effectively, not a single one of satan's arrows will get through.  1 Corinthians 2:4-5

The Helmet of Salvation - This piece of our attire guards our minds and can be easily included as we are fixing our hair every morning.  The mind is the major place of satan's attacks and once we as Christians know the Truth of who and whose we are in Christ , then the battle for our mind is greatly won. 1 Thessalonians 5:8


The Sword of the Spirit  = The Word of God - This is our main offensive weapon that we carry, it protects and purifies us. This Sword is as powerful as the Belt of Truth, it cuts through satan's strategies and deceits.  It can be used to make the enemy flee as Jesus demonstrated with satan in the wilderness. Matthew 4:1-11  We are to also use this Sword to Advance the Kingdom of God.

Prayer - For the mere fact that Believers are special targets of the enemy we must equip ourselves constantly in Prayer.  Through Prayer we are able to receive God's wisdom for solutions and guidance to overcome every battle.  As we equip ourselves in the Full Armour of God we will be protected whenever evil comes our way.

We serve a God who does not desire for us nor wants us to be weak but wants us to be strong like he is strong thus, he made it a point to prepare this special Spiritual Attire for us to wear that will protect us at all times from he schemes of the enemy.  While it may take getting used to making this a part of our daily dress code, as we make practical use of it when we put it on the greater the desire will become to use it regularly.  While The Armour of God is a Spiritual  Garment we have the forever abiding wisdom of God who enforces the practical of the supernatural with the natural once it is applied.  The Armour of God are Weapons made by the best out of the best materials for us to make great use of, therefore, as we begin and go through this year let us make greater use of our Weapons by dressing in The Full Armour of God and practically applying each part of it in our everyday lives. 

As we face the days, the weeks, and the months that are to come we will be prepared to apply Truth, Righteousness, Peace, Faith, Salvation, and Prayer with the  understanding that God's Word is an indispensable weapon, His Weapon of Choice.  We hope that as you go through this year you will keep your spirits up and join us in being a daily encouragement  in the lives of our fellow brothers and sisters so that no one falls behind or get left out as we seek to be Great Over-comers and Winners in all we do.  **AMEN**

January 2, 2012  3:28am
Scripture Text - King James Version
Additional Reading - see Armour of God on Earnestly  Contending


  1. Beautifully written post on a powerful and essential practice for the Christian: attiring one's self in the seven items of the Full Armour of God.

    May we be diligent to clothe ourselves completely each day - each moment - in this Spiritual Attire.

    Thank you, and God bless your ministry!

  2. We pray on the full armor of God every day! My husband and I pray it onto ourselves and our chlidren, and all three little ones bow in the floor every day and pray it onto each other, even the two year old!

    Thank you for reminding us of this essential necessity. It's amazing how many people DON'T do it, and then wonder why they are not prepared for the day! What a great way to start out the new year, and a great way to start each and every day!

  3. May I have permission to use the image to put on some T-shirts for my men's small group?



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