Monday 13 February 2012

Creating An Atmosphere For Our First Love

Today's Gospel Truth ~  "I love those who love me; and those who diligently seek me will find me."   Proverbs 8:17

Arising to the whistling sounds of trees blowing in the air, birds chirping from the trees, the rays of a warm glowing sun, or to cozy rain is a wonderful reminder of how much we are loved.  Planning and taking time to spend our first awakening hours with our Jehovah Elohim on Valentine's Day is an excellent way to create an atmosphere of love for our Father.  As Valentine's Day is geared toward spending time with that someone special there is no one greater that we can plan to spend time with on that day.  Creatively filling our space with special belongings to give honor to him can be easily done, yet the greatest gifts we can give our Eternal Creator is our time and love. 

As the Creator of your life from the very first thought of you he craves for your time of sharing and he loves when you make the special effort to do so.  Even though we know him as God, the God of all there is he doesn't like when we leave him alone too long.  While we know that prayers are always being shared as someone is always praying but it is important that we keep our own prayer lines connected with him, and more so with prayers of honor and worship rather than just making requests. 

Abiding with and just spending quality time with someone gives you an opportunity to focus on just that one, be closer than usual, have moments of openness to share from the heart, the room to be free and be who you are, an opportunity to laugh or cry,  and give and receive love from the depth of the heart.  We know that the beauty of our Lord alone deserves this type of attention but because his love is so complete, as we love him we open the door to his abounding, passionate love that is already there to fill us, equip us, and meet all of our needs.  Allowing God to love us from the inside out this Valentine's Day will be the most remarkable and rewarding experience of love which will indeed help us to grow in compassion for others, give us greater intelligence for understanding, and exuberant strength for the days ahead.  Have a Happy Valentine's Day.  **AMEN**

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