Are you aware of how
much you matter to others?Regardless of
the negativityor the opposition you may
often receive, just the mere fact that God has placed
you here on earthmeans you matter.Whether you realize it or not
there is someone who either knows you personally or from a distance considers
you and thinks about you.Maybe a
relative, an old school mate, a
coworker, a present friend, or someone you've met briefly.Ever since the introduction of the internet
we have had the opportunity to meet people millions of miles away from us whom
we now call friends and family.Many of
which we have had the privilege of developingmeaningful long term relationships with.No matter which level of life you may feel that you live at there is
someone to whom your life matters to now and forever.For this reason we must remain mindful of the
decisions we make not only in dealing with others but the decisions we make for
ourselves.As long as we live we are
responsible for more than what meet the eyes,knowingly and unknowingly.Should
we stop to let a stranger cross the road it is then our responsibility to make
sure that person is out of harms way before we take off again.If we are assigned to report for duty at any
given post it is then our responsibility to make sure our tasks are carried out
because there are others depending on us which shows their need for us.
Often times in our
efforts of adjusting, fixing, and trying to just get it right to make life work
we become heavy laden and distracted from the true reason as to why we are here
on planet earth.It is indeed the plan
of the enemy for us to become distraught and broken so that we will give up on
the greatest gift ever given, life.As
difficult as it may seem for us at various times in our lives when we are at
our lowest we are watched even closer to see how we will step out of that
particular hardship.While it all seem
dandy when the sails are up, friends are around, and the ship is floating
beautifully but when the sails become torn and pulled down you are left to mend
them all alone.It would seem like this
truth only comes from one's personal experience but when we do find ourselves
all alone it is at that time we can build our relationship with the greatest,
Conqueror, Defender, and Protector ever known to man to pull us through.As it is God our Father who never want to see
us fail no matter our circumstances.After all it is he who has placed within us the ability to overcome
every trial.
When the news of
Whitney's death landed within my air waves it brought a heavy sadness because
of what she carried.It would seem as if
she was sent to earth with a precious gift of sound which effected the hearts of
mankind everywhere.The beauty of her
voice which ushered in love, peace, and so much more had the ability to connect
with others in the most fascinating way.This ability also made her seem close to people everywhere, if it wasn't
for her voice many people today would not have known Whitney or have had the
pleasure to relate to her through the songs she sang.The voice of one so lovely which carried a
sound so grand became important to many, thus her life also became special to
many.Whitney's news has left many to
wonder why and wishing that that moment could have been lived differently, but
the power to change the past we do not have yet we are blessed with the ability
to use which took place in the past as lessons to educate us for the
The sad news of
Whitney's demise effected some so greatly that it took them days to leave dark
depression, it made it easier for some to become angry with what was happening
to them and cast blame on others, etc.Many times in our own little circles it may not be who we are but it is
always about what we do and how we do it.We must remember that our decisions effect change somewhere else in the
world as we are all connected together in some way for a greater purpose.The very mere fact that we are all alive at
this time, in this season during this century it means that we can all be
Agents of Change for God's Glory.
Whitney's life will
never be forgotten and her resounding voice always be remembered as she carried
a sound that had the amazing ability to speak to the hearts of people
everywhere, and the ability to warmly change atmospheres with a refreshing
feeling of love which lighted the air waves.
As we remember Whitney
we can be sure to remember everyday that we matter, and what we do and how we
handle situations often times matter even more to others.As many may not know us personally it does
not mean they are not watching what we do as Believers in the Kingdom of
God.Today and Always We WillRemember Whitney Houston, a Lady of our 21st
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