Saturday 4 February 2012

God Is A Father In The Wilderness

Today's Gospel Truth ~ " For the LORD thy God hath blessed thee in all the works of thy hand: he knoweth thy walking through this great wilderness: these forty years the LORD thy God hath been with thee; thou hast lacked nothing."  Deuteronomy 2:7

The term 'wilderness experience' has many different meanings, it can mean wandering, hardship, turmoil, affliction,  rebellion, or divorce, just to name a few.  For some reason it seems like everybody experience such an season at one time in life or the other.  While it may not seem so especially in the lives of some around you who always have everything going for them, at one point or the other these same individuals will face the death of a love one of whom they may have a very difficult time letting go.  Unfortunately there are some who face a "wilderness experience" one after the other in their family, in their bodies, on their jobs, and even in the church.  The "wilderness experiences" of life seem to have been designed to not only keep us away from God  but they sure afflict our lives in many ways leaving it's stains and imprints behind.  The only objective view of having a "wilderness experience" is that when God is in it you will experience deliverance out of it.

As the children of Israel wandered in the wilderness for forty years they walked in endless circles it seem like, but what they didn't realize was that God was there with them.  As they were having this experience God provided for them even through the rebellion each step of the way.  They needed direction - God provided, they needed food - God gave them manna, they needed water - God provided water from a rock in the desert of Zin,  God also caused their clothing and shoes to remain in tact for that entire period of time.  Just as God kept his covenant he made with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob he is just as faithful to keep his covenant with you.  Our scripture text tells us that God, your God has blessed you in everything, and as you have travelled or are now travelling through your wilderness he is walking with you in every step and he has guarding you therefore, you  lack nothing. 

When God is with you, the Answer is with you.  Even in times when it may feel like you have been in your wilderness too long God is there with direction, strength, encouragement to keep on going, grace, peace, and deliverance.  As God has provided for the Israelites before they arrived in the wilderness, he has done the same for you to give you all you will need to cross over into your promise land.  Claim that which you Desire in God, Declare that your Victory is Manifesting Now, and Receive your Promise. **AMEN**

"For this very purpose I raised you up, to demonstrate My power in you, and that My name might be proclaimed throughout the whole earth."  Romans 9:17

January 17, 2012   11:27am
Scripture Text - King James Version

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