Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Speak And Pray To Achieve Success

We would like to share with you today the orginal Devotion submitted to GWC for your thorough enjoyment, may you be richly blessed and inspired.

Today's Gospel Truth ~  "And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force."  Matthew 11:12

There are times we pray it can seem like nothing is happening, it seem like the very heart felt prayer we've offered up is not receiving any attention.  Did you know that your prayer is affected by your attitude during and after it was given?  When we lift up our prayers before God we have to do so with an offensive mindset, someone who know his rights, believe that they belong to him, and take them back if need be.  In praying to achieve results we have to do so with our minds locked into all the powerful abilities, victory and love of our God.   Some people have a tendency to offer up heart felt prayers for healing then just before they end the prayer they would inform God that, 'Lord, if it is your will to take this person that would be ok too.'  Now what is the point of such a prayer one may ask, was the person praying for life or death?  One cannot pray for both at the same time {Proverbs 18:21} needless to say, as a matter of fact God do not need our permission to take anyone's life whether suffering or not.  When we pray we have to make up our minds as to what we want from God.  Praying is much different than seeking God's advice or wisdom. Praying is being determined in seeking God for a particular answer.   Of course we understand that praying do not give us the authority to tell God what to do, but it give us the opportunity to tell God what we would love to happen and to remind Him of His word according to that situation.

It would be impossible for any soldier to go into battle and win with a defeated mindset, feeling like he has already lost and is probably just another hopeless failure fighting a hopeless battle.   Let us look at who God chose to pave the way for Jesus …. John the Baptist.  The type of personality John the Baptist had curiously drew everyone to his preaching as his voice was compared to thunder in the desert.   Especially many of the Gentile sinners, harlots, and publicans who were thought of as the most unlikely kind to mix with nevertheless, these who were looked down on became violently in love with Christ and zealously attached themselves to everything He preached.  The scripture is being foretold in this very hour; from the day John the Baptist began to preach to this present hour, the Gospel and the ministry of it as told first by John the Baptist, Christ and His apostles, comes with power upon souls of men, quickening hearts and enlightening eyes to the Real Truth of their Identity.  This is the power that turn men to God and away from the grips and strongholds of Satan.  With our knowledge of this power that we have through Christ we have the authority to raise the standard in our Prayer Life and forcefully [which need not be physical and can be of any nature to produce a desired result} take the Victory.  We have the privilege to knowingly stand in the certainty of our Head and General, the Lord Jesus Christ who has already conquered the enemy and gained our Victory for us.  It is now up to us to boldly seize what He has conquered for our lives.  Determine what you want from God and focus on presenting your Prayer with a Victorious Mindset and according to His will it shall be done for you.  As Soldiers of Christ like John the Baptist, We Must Speak and Pray to Achieve Success - the Desired Results we need.  **AMEN**

"In the way of righteousness is life; and in the pathway thereof there is no death."  Proverbs 12:28
"Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof."  Proverbs 18:21


Let's Pray

Dear Lord God,
Please give me the intelligence and discernment I need to know you personally from this day forth.  So that my eyes will become focused and clear, to see exactly what it is you are calling me to do.  Also to grasp the immensity of this glorious way of life you desire for me to live as your son/ daughter.

Father, may the utter extravagance of your work in me release endless energy and  boundless strength as I put my trust in you today!  Please ignite within me your power that raised Christ from the dead as I seek your knowledge to go through this day and manage skillfully with authority everything I shall face.

I thank you for the fountain of your glorious inner strength within me that will never run dry.   I also thank you for divine direction as I seek to rise to new heights in you to live in your fullness.  I know dear Lord that because of your love for me you can do far more than I will ever imagine, guess or request from my wildest dreams  therefore, I also ask for your protection for my family and friends today.  Oh Lord, as you begin to fill me with your extravagant greatness help me to creatively leak you everywhere I go and to everyone I meet with your love, in Jesus name. Thank for hearing the prayer of my heart Father. **Amen**

An Ephesians Prayer
                                                                Ephesians 1 & 3

April  14,  2011
Speak And Pray To Achieve Success (R) ©
Scripture Text - King James Version

"What We Do In Life Echoes Into Eternity."
                                                                                                                                             -Jesse Duplantis

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